Lisa k.

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Waltham, Massachusetts, United States

Über Lisa k.

38 Jahre alt | Personal Chef

Hello! Thought I have spent a lot of my life as a personal chef and a nanny, traveling with families around the world, I have also spent the last five years pet sitting and housesitting in various places in the US. I feel as though this always works out to an even exchange as my love for dogs and helping people take care of their pets/homes, also aligns well with my love of adventure and the ability to experience someplace new. I also love the idea of giving others the freedom to travel and know that their home and pets are in safe hands.
Though I don't love the idea of settling into a home or permanent place for myself, I take GREAT care of the space that others have created for themselves, and I am grateful for opportunities to experience other places and cultures and immerse myself in other countries, while having a safe place to stay.
I am incredibly neat and organized, respectful of spaces and boundaries and LOVE super long walks if you have a dog (also big on cuddling whether it's a dog or cat).

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