Lisa w.

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Westport, Connecticut, United States

Über Lisa w.

56 Jahre alt | Art teacher

Hello! I have just finished my 30th year as a High School art teacher and my husband, Pete, has just finished his first as a Middle School Science teacher after many years doing environmental science work.
We are taking this year (starting July 2022) off to see the world. We are very clean, courteous, and capable, we are very good at following directions, can take care of a garden and houseplants (with clear instructions), and we LOVE animals! Pete is actually a dog whisperer, when we visit my sister’s dogs, they go bonkers once they hear his whistle. The one sad thing for us in taking this year away is that we will sorely miss our cat, Ella, but she will be well cared for at her grandmother’s house while we are gone. I am the handy one, I love figuring out how things work and I have fixed many a broken cabinet door or misfiring toilet in my time. I will also paint you a portrait of your home while staying there as a thank you gift. (
Thank you for considering us to stay at your home and take care of your precious pets/gardens. We will care for them as if they were ours.
Lisa and Peter

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Peter, 53 Jahre alt, Science Teacher, Ehepartner / Partner

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