Bianca m.

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Portland, Oregon, United States

Über Bianca m.

35 Jahre alt | Information technology

Hello! I am a single female traveler seeking a house sitting opportunity! I am an IT professional in my 30’s and work remotely, therefore I am able to travel and work from anywhere. My primary focus is Spain and Europe, as well as central and South America. I love to travel my whole life. I’ve lived many places in Spain, it’s is my second home ? I enjoy outdoor activities and experiencing different cultures and to hear peoples story. I am very comfortable traveling and I can be responsible of your place.
I’ve been house sitting for many years for friends and family and now professionally. I am a pet lover and have dogs and cats of my own back home. I promise to treat your space with love and respect, better than I would my own home! I also promise to look after your animals with care and will follow all care requirements like I would my own. Feel comfort knowing your babies are in excellent hands! I can also lend a hand with gardening, plants and other household items or chores, just ask! I also have experience maintaining my own spa and pool for 20 years and can tend to yours while away. I keep the space tidy and clean during my stay. I recycle and practice sustainability and choose environmentally friendly, natural or eco options when I can! I appreciate you opening your home to me ?

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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