Maria r.

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Cressage, England, United Kingdom

Über Maria r.

62 Jahre alt | Teacher

I work as a teacher of French, German and Travel and Tourism and as a mum to my 2 children. Josh is 18 and in the RAF and Aja is 16. Both are very outdoor, active children who love to travel and have new experiences. They have grown up with pets and know how to behave around them. We have done many housesits in the UK and abroad looking after a variety of animals from cats and dogs to alpacas, sheep and goats. Josh has now moved away for his career. My husband could come with us if he is not working. Leaving our dog Poppy is not a problem as we have neighbours who adore her and constantly want to temporarily foster her! We would love to do house and pet sitting during school holidays and at weekends.
We have always enjoyed having pets and the children are used to caring for them. We had 3 chickens for several years. We had 2 cats from kittens right through to old age and got a dog, Poppy, 5 years ago (a Parson's Russell). We regularly house-sit for our neighbours and friends several of whom travel regularly. Having lived with various pets we all know when it is time to play, when to give cuddles and when to let the pet have its own space and quiet! Aja is polite, helpful around the house and garden and respectful of other people's belongings.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Aja, 19 Jahre alt, student, Kind
Andy , 62 Jahre alt, flying instructor, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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