Marjolaine M.

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Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Marjolaine M.

36 Jahre alt | Postproduction Producer | Als Paar/Duo

MJ (Marjolaine) and J (Joseph) provide a delightful amount of dad jokes and eye rolls.
MJ is a freelance post-production producer, pre-Covid globe-trotter and all-around girl scout.
J is a writer (has he mentioned he’s a writer?), that loves to meet people but enjoys meeting animals even more (dogs, cats, cows, horses, they’re all friends, even the geese).
We’ve been together for over three years but feel like we’ve been together much longer. We’re responsible, sociable, friendly, clean and fun.

With the news being so glum all the time and travel restrictions lifting here and there, at some point in the last freezing horrendous despicable wretched Canadian winter we decided we wanted to live again: for MJ that means to travel, for J that means not freezing all the time and meeting all kinds of four-legged friends (we definitely don’t discriminate when it comes to number of legs).
After each spending the past decade moving around and visiting many countries / regions of the world, we are enjoying more and more a slower pace of life, including when travelling. Housesitting is a great way for us to have a "home base" somewhere, while being able to go out and explore as much, or as little, as we want to. It's great to have pets to come back to at the end of the day, and really adds to the experience of being somewhere new.

MJ has been house/pet sitting since 2017: I started when I was living in New Zealand; really enjoyed my first few sits and just kept doing it for most of the time I was there. It was a great way for me to experience different parts of Auckland and Wellington. I then decided to try my luck back home in Canada during the pandemic - I was living with a flatmate at the time, and even though we got along super well, the strict lockdowns made me yearn to see something other than my own 4 walls.
I ended up doing a few housesits in Montréal, where I was living at the time, and have done a couple others in other parts of Canada since.

You can find my Housesitters Canada / New Zealand profile and reviews here:

J will most likely develop a very strong bond with your adorable animal companion. He has experience in dogsitting and catsitting, taking care of family and friends' dogs and/or cats over the years while they were away.

We have also completed a few sits recently (in 2023) through Trusted Housesitters; here is our profile with reviews:

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Joseph, 38 Jahre alt, Copy writer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Kelly k.

Seoul, Korea, Republic of - August 2023

Marjorlaine and her partner were wonderful pet sitters who took care of my very needy dog and cat while staying in Seoul. They frequently updated me with pictures and were not inconvenienced if one of the pets had an "accident" in the house. They left my home in good, clean shape. I am very happy with them. You should absolutely consider having them in your home; there were no issues. A lovely time.

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