Kelly k.

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Seoul, Seoul, Korea, Republic of

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Kelly k.

30 Jahre alt | Journalist

Hello — my name is Kelly, and I am a 25-year-old professional journalist based in South Korea. I'm also an artist, an amateur clothing maker and the mother of a rescued tuxedo cat named Kongi.

I spend my days reporting and writing about inter-Korean affairs in Seoul, and I use my time off to travel the world as much as I can. Recent destinations for me have been Thailand, Italy, Japan, Spain, Taiwan and India. Every December, I also spend a lengthy amount of time in the United States (where I'm from) to catch up with family and childhood friends. Every time I go away, I'm looking for someone to love and take care of my cat, as well as periodically water my plants. :)

Get in touch! I'd love to hear from you.

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Klaudia & françois

Budapest, Hungary - Mai 2024

It was a pleasure to take care of Cookie and Kongie and we had a wonderful stay in Kelly’s beautiful apartment! Cookie, the little bundle of energy and joy, is always ready for a nice walk and happy to stroll around in the neighborhood or nearby forests. Kongie, with his beautiful silky fur, is very independent, yet couldn't resist a good morning cuddle session on the coach. From the moment we arrived, they welcomed us into with open paws 🐾. We had a great time with these two and already miss their company! Kelly provided us with detailed, easy to follow instructions so that we can catch up with the pet’s specific needs. She also gave us so many great tips to make our stay enjoyable in Seoul!! Our heartfelt thanks go to Kelly for her warm hospitality and trust. We made life-time memories and would love to return to Seoul for another pet-sitting adventure! Recommended to anyone seeking a pet-loving home away from home.

Patryk c.

Rzeszow, Poland - Januar 2020

Our stay at Kelly's place was fantastic. She is a great, warmhearted person and even when she was away, she was always making sure that our stay is pleasant. Her pets are also super friendly and they made our trip even better. This was a fantastic experience and I hope we'll meet again someday soon!

Lauren a.

Seattle, United States - Januar 2019

Kelly is a wonderful host who was always available to answer questions. She gave us great recommendations of what to do in the area and how to get around. We were able to meet her before she left which was so great. Kongi is a cute little guy. He's shy at first but he warms up in a few days. He's simple to take care of and fun to play with. This was a really great experience!

Logement de Kelly k.

Seoul, Korea, Republic of

1 Katze - 1 Hund

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits 5 Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

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