Stefania c.

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Fontana, California, United States

Über Stefania c.

30 Jahre alt | Medical Assistant

We’re a couple in our mid twenties who love to travel, enjoy nature, and Jesus time. My husband is a mechanic/smog technician at a small shop and I am a certified medical assistant. We both attend college in perssue of getting our bachelors degree. We don’t have pets but my husband loves animals and I can tolerate them, jajaja. 80% of the time the house sitting will be taken care of by me as I have more flexibility at my current full time job then my husband. I personally love to clean and keep things nice and tidy. We have never house cared before but it all sounds like a responsibility that could be enjoyed and giving to others. I love helping people as it brings smiles all around and this job task could do that for my family and yours as well. Before I forget to mention as I am sure you will be curious we don’t have any kids but we love children they are a blessing.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Gerardo , 29 Jahre alt, Mechanic , Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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