Charis m.

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Sebring, Florida, United States

Über Charis m.

46 Jahre alt | Technology Consulting

I work remotely full-time, and mostly stay at "home" during my down time. My day is flexible to adapt to your pet or home's needs. I am COVID cautious, vaccinated, and mask.

I've been nomadic for several years, living happily in various settings with whatever fits in the back of my little Honda. I enjoy travel and exploring new communities. I renovated homes in a past life. I understand home maintenance and am comfortable communicating with you and repair workers if problems arise.

I like small animals, house plants, and gardens. I prefer the home owner explicitly outline the care and routine expected. I am diligent and detail oriented. I do not have animal training or medical experience.

I am quiet, low maintenance, respectful of your property and neighbors.

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