Thomas p.

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Chorley, England, United Kingdom

Über Thomas p.

40 Jahre alt | Aid Worker


We are Lou (31) & Thomas (38), both humanitarian aid workers from the UK.

We met and married whilst living in Jordan and are giving up living in war zones in favour of living in some nice spots around Europe looking after your pets! We are both British (Lou from the South, Thomas from the North) and have been together six years, married for two. We are in the process of becoming nomads by relocating back to the UK and Europe after six years living in the Middle East and are hoping to travel whilst working and caring for your pets and homes!

We both love animals and to be outdoors hiking, running, swimming and rock climbing. We are passionate about helping those less fortunate than ourselves and have dedicated our lives to doing that in whatever ways we can through our humanitarian work.

We are new to formal housesitting but have good experience in caring for animals through our many family pets and previous housesits for friends (references available!).

We have both travelled a lot and love to see new places and meet new people and pets. Thomas can speak English, Arabic and Portugese. Unfortunately, Lou has only mastered English.

Lou is from a family of dog lovers having had the pleasure of growing up with a huge German Shepherd and Border Collie. Lou's parents now have Molly, a cockpoo, who is also pretty bonkers (refer to pictures). We have regular FaceTimes with Molly and miss her very much. In addition to loving dogs, we have also been avid goldfish, cat, rabbit and horse carers over the years.

We have looked after friends dogs as they travelled previously and are up for meetings every animal's need, no matter how peculiar they may seem to outsiders. We are also extremely clean and tidy people and are known for leaving places even sparklier than we found them.

We are very happy to have a chat/video call so you can get to know us more as we understand how scary having someone else care for your pet and home can be. We hope to hear from you soon!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Lou, 34 Jahre alt, Aid Worker, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Portugiesisch

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