Jack f.

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New Taipei, New Taipei City, Taiwan, Province of China

Über Jack f.

43 Jahre alt | English language teacher

Gina and I live in New Taipei City, Taiwan with our lovely young boy John. I've been living here for a long time but I'm from England. I work for the British Council as a teacher. We want to go back to London regularly so our son can spend time with his granddad who lives with my stepmother in a one bedroom flat in Archway, North London. However, the flights are incredibly expensive and we can't afford the accommodation on top of that. Gina and I are both animal lovers. I had a Golden Retriever named Charlie and two cats growing up, and Gina had two Dalmatians and a German Shepherd. We are only looking for places to house sit in London. We're in the lucky position that if we were asked to house sit, and by some quirk of fate we were unable to make it (flight cancelled or something else), I have many friends and family members in London that would willingly be able to make sure that any and all agreed responsibilities would be handled no matter what. In that sense, I can promise you that we would be reliable. Also, Gina and I are very clean, careful, considerate and caring people, and we always absolutely do our best to leave any place we stay in cleaner than it was when we arrived.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Gina, 40 Jahre alt, English language teacher, Ehepartner / Partner
John, 4 Jahre alt, Toddler, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Chinesisch

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