Tibério m.

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Ribeirao Preto, State of São Paulo, Brazil

Über Tibério m.

43 Jahre alt | Web developer

Hi, we are a little family from Brazil and we love to travel. When we were just my wife and I, we've managed to travel to 26 countries. Then our little daughter was born and we had to stop for a little bit. Now that she's 6 and we want to pass the traveling culture to her since it has been so important to my wife and I.

I work as a web developer so I just need internet to work. My wife is a chef and she loves to cook and create handcrafts. We have a little dog named Rubi. She's a schnauzer with a tough personality. Very jealous by the way. We think that pets are important to help our daughter with emotional education, so we value the contact very much. House sitting is the perfect opportunity to combine the best of both worlds: traveling and stay in contact with pets.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Juliana, 43 Jahre alt, Entrepreneur and chef, Ehepartner / Partner
Ayla, 8 Jahre alt, Student, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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