Sioux m.

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Sonoma, California, United States

Über Sioux m.

61 Jahre alt | Teaching/Training

Hi everyone!

Born a Michigan midwestern girl, I am responsible and grounded.

I own my own home in the Wine Country of California, just north of San Francisco (I also swap homes; So, ping me for my Zillow profile if you'd like to see photos and consider a swap).

Because I’m a homeowner, I know how to care for a home. I'll take good care of yours.

- I am a professional and own my own business in the education field. I'm financially solvent.

Why I housesit:
(1) Housesitting in the greater Durango Colorado (USA) area allows me to visit my son who is in college there. For Colorado house sits, I'm HUGELY flexible with dates. Almost anytime that works for you works for me.
(2) Housesitting in other areas of the world: I just love to travel! My son (21 years old) might join me for these. He's lovely and responsible; very busy with his studies.

- I am a non-smoker, no drug use. I rarely drink.
- I'm a quiet type. I hike a lot, read tons, love documentaries (and comedy). Mostly, I love authentic connection with friends and family.
- I love animals! In fact, I volunteer as a foster parent for dogs awaiting their forever homes. I'd LOVE to give your pets (or farm animals) lots of attention while you are gone. Lots of belly rubs!
- Cleanliness is very important to me (my home is sparkling clean), so I'm willing to sit homes that are clean and well tended. Don't worry about pet hair; that's different :o)

If you’re considering me as an applicant, I’d be happy to share my LinkedIn profile with you.



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Meine Reisebegleiter
Alexander, 23 Jahre alt, University Student, Andere

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