Lynn w.

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Worthing, England, United Kingdom

Über Lynn w.

59 Jahre alt | Retired Accountant

We have been house sitting for 6 years now both privately and through this website. We have dione over 70 sits with 5 star reviews from all our home owners .The sits have varied from one cat to a small farm with 60 animals including goats and Aplaca's and from apartments to 7 bedroom villas with pools and landscape gardens to maintain. In the UK we even did a house sit where Chris finished off installing & tiling a bathroom that the owners had been renovating.
Over the years we have owned a number of houses that we have renovated including our holiday home in France, this has given us a lot of experience in DIY & problem solving when things go wrong. We are experienced gardeners & have no trouble keeping gardens in order, grass cutting, pruning, weeding etc.
We also have a lot of experience in looking after & caring for dogs cats & small animals having owned several ourselves over the years as well as looking after other peoples animals.
We also have experience of having our own house looked after by house sitters so understand what is like to go away & entrust your home to someone else.
We are honest & very respectful of other people’s houses & property.
We have travelled extensively around South Africa, Asia and Europe and spent 8 months in a campervan touring Australia and New Zealand so used to different climates and cultures.
We lastly but not least absolutely love animals so if we have to look after yours you can be assured they will be in very good hands & probably spoiled rotten.
For more information and to read our story find our Facebook page "Ever Changing Horizons"

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Christopher, 66 Jahre alt, Retired Engineer, Ehepartner / Partner

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