Joyce h.

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Chicago, Illinois, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Joyce h.

37 Jahre alt | Online Business Owner

Hi, I’m Joyce! I’m 35 years old. I grew up in a small town (of about 5,000 people) in northeast Ohio, but I’ve lived in Chicago for the past 17 years.

I work from home, as I own and operate a small online business called Off Book It, where I teach actors and actresses how to memorize lines more efficiently. I’m a trained actress myself as well as a 3-day champion on the gameshow Jeopardy!

I’m a non-smoker. I’m a pretty low-key, bookish individual, but I like to remain active! I love walking, hiking, biking, and I practice yoga on a daily basis. I love to learn, read, and explore. I also play the piano.

I’m interested in exploring parts of the United States and the world I’ve never been to and living as a local. I love animals, but I have no pets of my own. You could say I have a cat-shaped hole in my heart that a cat cafe visit simply cannot fill! I’d love the opportunity to take care of and bond with some new furriends, while traveling and drawing inspiration from new places, as I continue to grow my fledgling online business.

I’m aware of the important responsibilities of taking care of a pet, and am able to follow detailed instructions and schedules. I love getting to know the unique, funny personalities of each individual animal!

I love all animals, but I have the most experience taking care of of cats, as I grew up with a beautiful black cat named Gia.

I took care of a lovely tabby cat for a friend of mine for about a week while he was on a trip to Egypt.

I'm also happy to take care of any plants and gardens.

Website for my business:

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