Lee p.

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Ammanford, Wales, United Kingdom

Über Lee p.

30 Jahre alt | Animal carer

Hello, my name is Lee and I'm 28. I am available for most pet sitting roles here in the UK and abroad. Although I am passionate about what I do, I also need to make a living so need to charge a fee. I am happy to negotiate on cost.

I have been pet sitting for 7 years. I take care of dogs and cats mostly but I also have experience taking care of sheep, cows, horses, gerbils, and fish. To date the position that has given me the most responsibility was working for a lady on and off for three years whilst she travelled the world. In that space of time I would take care of her five dogs, cats, three horses, cattle, and sheep. Often I would take care of litters of puppies too. I showed various potential buyers around her home, as she was selling the property and needed somebody to take care of house viewings on her behalf. I maintained her acre garden, watering plants and mowing the lawn. I cleared out the horses sheds daily, fed them and gave one horse his daily medicine. I made sure the cattle and sheep were given fresh water on a daily basis.

I coped with many challenging situations, for example: sheep giving birth, sick puppies, and even cleaning out manholes.

I have all the love and time in the world for animals, large and small.

When I am pet sitting for you, you can rest assured that your home and your loved ones will be taken care of. I will treat your pets with the compassion that they deserve, knowing they will be missing you. I will follow your instructions to the letter and keep your pets routine as normal as possible, whether that requires going for walks five times a day, or cuddling up on the sofa with them. I can do video calls daily if required so you can keep in touch and see how they're doing. I am also quite handy around the house and have excellent housekeeping skills.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Connor, 26 Jahre alt, Self employed , Ehepartner / Partner
Donna, 58 Jahre alt, Self employed , Elternteil

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