Renato d.

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Denver, Colorado, United States

Über Renato d.

34 Jahre alt | Technical Support Specialist

Hi there, I was born in Venezuela and moved to the US 10 years ago, I have been doing this kind of service for friends and family over a year now before I knew this platform existed! I work remotely for a big travel company, so it allows me to travel a lot and get to know new places and meet great people. I am passionate about order and clean spaces, so you can trust I can take good care of your home and pets (I usually do great with dogs and even with cats taking into consideration I am a little allergic to our feline friends but to be honest I don't really mind much). Not only that, but I live a healthy lifestyle so that means I eat as healthy and clean as I can, I exercise, read a lot and go to bed early to wake up early the next day. I enjoy watching sunsets and getting to explore nature. I am also a self-taught cook and spend a good portion of my day prepping my meals! I speak 3 languages (English, Spanish & Italian)

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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