Edie v.

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McComb, Mississippi, United States

Über Edie v.

61 Jahre alt | Baker

Hey there! I'm Edie. In my life to date I’ve been a maker, a mother, a baker and an entrepreneur. These days, I’m also a traveler, a writer and a walker.

I'm very much drawn to slow travel incorporating home + pet sitting-- it allows me to not only experience new cultures but to also make new friends there, to establish daily routines and to feel that I’m actually part of a community which is super important to me. Getting to know the homeowner and to feel that I’m helping them is a fantastic feeling—definitely a win-win!

Life on 95 acres in the country has prepared me to care for a wide variety of animals including dogs, cats, poultry, cattle and even donkeys. Since I've owned my own home (a funky old farmhouse) for 27 years, I'm quite familiar with home care and maintenance.

In the last 30 years I’ve:

Raised and homeschooled 5 kids
Owned my own home and performed maintenance and upkeep such as cleaning, gardening and painting
Managed Airbnb properties (from maintaining the online presence to cleaning bathrooms!)
Helped organize multiple large scale events, such as art and music festivals and community storytelling nights
Conceptualized and run a successful café to help revitalize our downtown (I was also the chef)
Catered parties and events for up to 200 people
Taught bread baking and cooking classes to children and adults
Helped found an Orthodox church in our small town

I currently manage two rental properties, run a lifestyles blog and an eBay store.


Graphic Design: designing everything from websites to t-shirts
Learning French: I’d say I’m an Advanced Beginner
Crafting: sewing, soap + candle making
Baking: especially bread

My preferred sits are for 2 weeks or more in areas where I can get to shops, pubs, etc on foot. Bonus points for friendly neighbors and nearby parks!

Thanks for your consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about your home + pet sitting needs and hope to meet you soon!

CURRENT AVAILABILITY: February-April and June-November 2023

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