Gordon b.

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Dandenong, Victoria, Australia

Über Gordon b.

30 Jahre alt | Maths, physics and english turor

Hello, I'm Gordon.

I am a sincere christian man that will do all that is required of me. My father has always said "your word is your bond" and I share this sentiment and live accordingly.
For the last 10 years I have tutored students from grades 2-12 in physics, maths, chemistry and english. Below is a link to the website that has my tutoring background as well as student testimonials:

In a house sit, I am looking for clear and honest communication of everything that is expected. I am willing to arrive earlier than required to any house sit, so that I can personally spend time with the owner and go through all that is required. Additionally, upon the the owner returning, I am happy to stay back any required period of time.
I would appreciate complete transparency so from the very beginning our relationship is built on mutual trust and honesty. I also love animals, with a particular affinity towards dogs and cats.

As someone who will soon be a Portuguese Resident I would sincerely appreciate the opportunity to spend time not only in Portugal but also throughout the EU. I feel like house sitting would provide authenticity to the experience of countries I am fortunate enough to visit. Additionally, to develop trusting relationships throughout the countries I visit, seems of greater reward than simply "sight-seeing". Providing care for the household I am assigned to and giving peace of mind to those who so choose to work with me will be a wonderful opportunity.

In terms of pets I had an extremely beautiful and energetic German shepherd for 16 years, in addition to a beautiful rescue cat for a few years before I had to move. I will appreciate opportunities again to care diligently for any animals I am entrusted to.

I also genuinely love plants/ferns/gardens as my family owned a nursery growing up, so any plants or gardens I have the opportunity to tend to, would be thoroughly enjoyable.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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