Lincoln s.

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Sheffield, England, United Kingdom


Über Lincoln s.

25 Jahre alt | Service Delivery Analyst

We're a couple who love to travel and be in nature. We enjoy cooking, art, poetry, and love experiencing and learning about different cultures - as well as meeting new people! Having both grown up around a variety of animals as part of our families, and now being a travelling couple, we don't currently have the option to have pets of our own so this is an aspect of our lives that we miss. Hopefully, through this platform we can fill this void and meet new people and their pets!

We have plenty of prior experience house / pet sitting via other platforms and know the importance of ensuring that animals feel loved and comfortable whilst their owners are away, and do whatever we can to help with this. We are both clean, neat and tidy individuals who prioritise keeping things organised. We are non-smokers.

Any questions, then please ask - and we look forward to meeting some of you and your pets soon!

Lincoln + Farah :)

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Farah, 26 Jahre alt, Jewellery Designer, Ehepartner / Partner

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