Jori K.

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Bend, Oregon, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Jori K.

25 Jahre alt | Digital Marketer and Proffesional Pet Sitter | Als Paar/Duo

Hello! We are Jori and Austin. We are knowledgeable traveling pet sitters with over 3 years of full-time house sitting experience. Although we are new to Nomador, we are very experienced with house sit exchanges. TrustedHousesitters is the main website we have used to find house sits up until now. We are hoping to get established on some new house sitting platforms, and we hope you can consider us!

Austin and I are a friendly and respectful couple originally from Oregon, USA. Austin is 29, and I am 24. We both work as digital markets while traveling. When home, we pet sit professionally for clients in Oregon. As two travel enthusiasts, we feel most at home, not being at home. Connecting with this community, and having the opportunity to travel in the company of animals has been the highlight of our life. We love meeting with our hosts, sharing stories, and enjoying meals together whenever possible. We feel this creates a trusting and lasting relationship that not only makes this exchange more enjoyable, but also easier when the time comes to turn the responsibilities over to us. Over the last three years we have completed 30+ house sit exchanges in various destinations world-wide, and they have all been wonderful. We are happy to provide you with references to confirm this. If you need reliable, responsible, and caring pet sitters, you can count on us to be that for you and your pets!

We encourage connecting with us via video-call, email, or phone to ensure you feel comfortable trusting us with your home and animals. Let us know when a good time is for you (and your pets) to chat. We hope you consider us to care for your pets while you are away!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Austin, 26 Jahre alt, Digital Marketer, Ehepartner / Partner

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