Sofia Y.

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San Diego, California, United States

Über Sofia Y.

34 Jahre alt | Self-Employed | Als Paar/Duo

Hi! I'm Sofia, a nature-lover and natural carer. I've been petsitting & housesitting for 15+ years, as a go-to for family & friends and also through professional sites like Rover. I've done farmsits with chickens, geese, horses, pigs, etc. Comfortable with variety of animals & animal care.

I want you to feel at ease, knowing I've got you, your pet & plant family, & your home covered. I will attend to and love on your fur babes, plant babes, house, and land like it's my own. I've been told I'm like the mom of the group with purse goodies to cover your needs and with whom you can entrust your secrets. In all realness, though, I'm responsible, respectful, honest, dependable, communicative, clean, a good playmate, & I genuinely care.

I work remotely so need some good wifi or cell service. I'll be sitting with my familiar aka Mola the Cat who gets along well with dogs & other animals... cats are okay so long he's got his safe space.

Little about me... I am a Reiki Master & freelance writer. I was a special education teacher, curriculum writer, caregiver, & advocate for neurodivergents :) I absolutely love writing, being outdoors, taking photos, reading, and just soaking in all the goodness of life.

My intention is to leave your loved ones feeling nourished & happy. If you need me to come a night prior to the stay start to get a feel for things, lmk. Same goes for if travel stuff comes up & you'd like to extend the stay. Just let me know and I will do my best to accommodate.

I'm open to traveling within the West Coast & properties with greenspaces, farms, & near hiking trails. Please contact me with questions, references, or to chat.

Thank you <3

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Mola the Cat, 5 Jahre alt, Freespirit, Andere

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