Allyson k.

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Lincoln, Nebraska, United States

Über Allyson k.

23 Jahre alt | CNA

- Hi I’m Ally, and I am originally from the midwest. I am currently taking a break from school and work to travel because I am passionate about seeing the world! When I’m not traveling I work as an in-home CNA. I have been working in the healthcare field for the past 6 years varying between childcare, elderly care, and special needs care. Just like I enjoy taking care of other people I also enjoy taking care of animals. I first started housesitting and pet sitting with the Rover app in Lincoln, Nebraska summer of 2020. I am comfortable and confident working with all sizes of dogs due to the wide variety of pets I cared for in Florida as well as Nebraska! A few of the services I provided were dog walking, light dog grooming, basic gardening, and housekeeping tasks. In one special case, I cared for a miniature schnauzer with diabetes, I made sure his blood sugar was regular and gave him his insulin shot when needed. Like multiple other animals, I’ve cared for I can follow their special diets if necessary. Never having my own pets doesn’t stop me from loving taking care of your pets like they’re my own. I’d love the opportunity to take of your pets and see what your city has to offer. I look forward to hearing from you!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Macy, 23 Jahre alt, Nurse, Freund

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