Florian h.

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Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Über Florian h.

39 Jahre alt | Creative Teamlead

I am Florian, 37, based in Berlin, work in the digital economy and appreciate the chance to travel. I am looking for new experiences in nice places, as I will work 8 hours a day, I find it interesting, not to spend on the hotel too much and instead dive a bit deeper into the life of a different place (that's why I like the idea of house-sitting). Change of scenery in general is 90% of the fun for me, so very adjustable to where I spend some time. I love long walks and exploring nature or cities and towns, I love to dogsit and have a furry buddy with me when exploring - I also like cats but if I can choose, dog!;) When we can coordinate it, I travel with my partner Nipho who also works in the digital industry. We both like to explore nice places - ready for surprises and adventures of any kind, ONLY stable internet is a must for our jobs. Nipho grew up with dogs (actually prefers cats though if he can choose), I dogsit for friends and used to share an english bulldog with my ex flatmate.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Nipho, 35 Jahre alt, Online-Marketing, Freund

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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