Luis diego m.

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Alajuela, Alajuela Province, Costa Rica

Über Luis diego m.

38 Jahre alt | Sales & Software Business Analyst/Finance Analyst

Hey there, I’m 36 y/o professional nomad that has the blessing to work and travel around the world. I see pets as little angels that comes to your life to teach you how to love.
I love outdoors, rock climbing and hiking, making me the perfect fit for your little angel, as I will make sure that they walk as much as they need.
I also take care of my friend’s pets when they travel.
All of them have been loved as much as another member of my family, on 2022 we lost our last 2 home old puppies due to age. Currently have an American staffordshire (Bruno) and the cutest stray dog ever (betty furry), they are spoiled guard dogs to the family mecanic shop. I’m used to bath dogs, take them for walks, play with them and even give meds when required.
I’m a strong believer that every pet is a member of the family and should be treated as such, with respect, love, patience and snuggles. I will definitely take care and love your pets as if they were mine, while you are out. Plus I’ll be most of time in house as I WFH.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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