Savannah w.

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Provincia de Alajuela, Costa Rica

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Savannah w.

71 Jahre alt | Photographer/Legal Consultant | Allein

Thanks for checking out my profile. I know how important it is to know your home and your pets are being lovingly looked after while you're away and I hope after reading my profile, you'll consider me to care for your home and pets! I'm a former legal professional reconnecting with life, or as some folks describe it: "retired". I'm an aspiring travel blogger, photographer, and artist currently traveling in Costa Rica. When I'm not traveling, Chicago, IL USA is my home base. I don't smoke or use drugs. I enjoy and occasional wine with dinner. I’m very intelligent, honest, healthy, youthful in outlook and spirit, capable and resourceful and moderately organized. I lead a very quiet lifestyle, enjoy spending time at home listening to music, creating art, watching movies and good TV or reading a great book.


I decided to try housesitting and international volunteering to help folks like you who might need someone to look after your home and pets while you're taking a short holiday or an extended vacation. It also affords me the opportunity to slow travel, explore other cultures and traditions, live as much as possible like a local, expand my language skills, save a bit on travel funds, and really savor this phase of my life. Since losing my fur buddy of 11 years in October 2012, I decided that I would not adopt another pet. I love animals and being on the receiving end of puppy licks and kitty love is one of my favorite things! Pet sitting fulfills that need for me, while also being of service to others.


I've owned several homes and I’m comfortable taking initiative when problems or issues arise. I have 6 years’ experience as president of my 16-unit self-managed condominium association, which meant that I was responsible for a lot of hands-on troubleshooting and resolution of
maintenance and management issues. If required, I will water your indoor plants, mow the lawn, tend the garden, manage household staff and gardeners, and keep you informed in a timely manner of any issues that may arise during my stay. As an Airbnb host for over 5 years, I welcomed more than 50 guests from all over the world into my home, earning the Superhost designation for six straight quarters, and maintaining an overall 4.9 rating out of 5.0. I loved hosting and take pride in creating a relaxing, clean, comfortable and inspiring space for my guests. You can check out my listing and reviews here:

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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