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Ojochal, Provincia de Puntarenas, Costa Rica

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Ash

28 Jahre alt | Remote program manager | Als Paar/Duo


We are Shane and Aisling, an Irish couple from a farm in Ireland where there were cows, horses, badgers, foxes and cats. We currently live in Central America, but are moving to Chile next year.

We have been house sitting in Costa Rica, and want to know do the same in Chile as a way to see the country and try and find our forever home.

House sitting is an AWESOME way to do this as we get to see how people live in their communities, have prolonged stays, meet interesting people and of course - do it while surrounded by animals!! We never feel lonely when we get to hang out with pets all the time. It's what makes us happy!

We have reviews over on Trusted House Sitters, please feel free to view our profile there for more info:

Aisling speaks Spanish and works full time remotely, from home, so adores to have company in the form of pets. Shane is learning Spanish and practices a lot! He is an engineer, freelancing part time and is a super duper handy person who can fix anything. Much needed in this part of the world!

We both are kayakers, surfers, hikers, gardeners, and LOVE to cook and eat delicious food with the people we meet.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Shane, 28 Jahre alt, Civil engineer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Japanisch

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