Rebeka r.

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Stirling, Scotland, United Kingdom

Über Rebeka r.

23 Jahre alt | Tutor

Hi! We are Rebeka and Davide from Hungary and Italy, now living in Stirling and Bicester. Rebeka is a tutor while Davide works as an IT Analyst at Alpine. We love to meet up halfway between our cities to explore and travel a bit outside our jobs. We are both avid travellers, we love seeing new places and making new friends - especially of the furry kind, we also love hikes and sports but also appreciate good food. Davide also coaches American football at Oxford University and plays many instruments, while Rebeka works a lot with charities and loves to volunteer at various organizations. Davide has two lovely dogs who have also travelled a lot with him abroad, while Rebeka doesn't just take care of pets, including her own cat, Alfie, but thrives in plant care, as her mom is a florist and has taught her how to handle all kinds of plants. We also have plenty of pet-sitting experience in the UK, as we have been using the Trusted Housesitters site for a while now, but we would love to see as much of the world as possible and travel more.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Davide Kovac, 25 Jahre alt, Technical Analyist at Alpine, Ehepartner / Partner

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