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Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Christine

63 Jahre alt | Office administrator | Allein

I am a single 62 year old woman who has just resigned from my current job after 20 years to begin a new adventure. While I no.longer have any pets- the last of them - Teddy, passed away in May 2022 I would love to get my pet cuddles looking after your family pet(s). All my children have left home so its now my time. I have booked a one way ticket to Eurpoe and my plan is to stay in the UK and Europe for about 18 months traveling, hiking and house sitting..
I have had many different pets over the years with my children. On our 2.5 acres we had dogs,cats sheep, turtles, rabbits, chickens and a horse to name a few..
I am a keen gardener and currently live on a 1440 square meter section where I grow all my own fruit and veges. The excess of produce I turn into jams, chutneys and sauces.
I walk every day and have always walked my pets daily, rain or shine usually anywhere from 2 to 10k a day so am reasonably fit and healthy.
As this is a new journey for me I do not have references, as yet, I have 4 house sits in the next 3 months. 🙂 But please be assured I am an honest and reliable animal lover who enjoys gardening and baking. I would love to have home baking waiting for you upon your return. With the sits I currently have organized I am arriving a day early than the start date, just to make sure I am not late and it's a good opportunity to spend time with you and your family making sure I get to know where everything is. Also having your pet adjust to me.
I would love the opportunity to look after your home, garden and pets.

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