Christine j.

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Queenstown, Otago, New Zealand


Über Christine j.

64 Jahre alt | learning designer | Als Paar/Duo

Trustworthy, active Kiwi couple hoping to care for your pets.
Hi, my name is Christine Jones. I grew up on a farm in rural New Zealand, so have been lucky enough to be surrounded by animals all my life. During our 43 year marriage my husband Phil and I have been pet parents to a number of our own cats and dogs, particularly while our children were young we have also cared for other people’s pets and homes. Being home owners ourselves we are experienced in looking after your home to the highest level.
We are both trustworthy semi-retired professionals with careers in Education/IT and the Police. We are active and enjoy walking, especially with pet companions.
Since our sons left home we have lived overseas for a number of years undertaking diplomatic roles representing New Zealand in both Australia and China. We are currently part way through a 3 month vacation catching up with our sons in Canada and Europe. With being semi retired we plan to repeat this overseas travel annually. This means that having our own pets in New Zealand is impractical due to the amount of travel, but the opportunity to petsit both in NZ and in your country fulfills our desire to be with animals as often as possible.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Phil, 67 Jahre alt, Retired Police Officer, Ehepartner / Partner

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