Angela a.

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Carlisle, Pennsylvania, United States

Über Angela a.

39 Jahre alt | Consultant

Hello! I'm Angela and I'm a life-long animal lover who grew up with cats, dogs, chickens, lizards, and guinea pigs. I am an active person, and love to take pets for hikes and walks, and spend time playing with them. I’m no stranger to administering medication and would happily bake delicious treats for your furry ones! My mother (Carla) who sometimes likes to travel with me is a huge animal lover herself (and has had many dogs, cats, and chickens) and has an incredible amount of gardening experience. We are both very tidy and handy, and like to keep spaces clean and organized. We are health-conscious; Neither of us smoke, and both of us are vaccinated for COVID-19, and regularly have our flu shot among other vaccinations.

As a teenager and into my early 20s I often would baby sit for neighbors and care for neighbors’ homes and animals, including horses, goats, sheep, and of course house pets. And now neighbors, friends, and family call on me often to take care of their furry friends and houses while they are traveling.

I work remotely, and my work is very flexible, so I am able to accommodate multiple walks a day and maintain any schedule for your little ones. An additional perk – my best friend since grade school is a veterinarian, and is just a phone call away should any issue arise :)

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“Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet.” - Sidonie Gabrielle Colette

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