Ruth Mirelly N.

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Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Ruth Mirelly N.

46 Jahre alt | Information technology | Allein

Hi everybody ☺️
I am an profesional and independent singel woman that likes to get new impressions from new places, meet and learn from new people from different cultures. I work remotely so I can combine pet and house sitting. And it's a plus for me if I get an adorable furry companion pet while I am working, miss that feeling actually.
If you have a dog I am sure your dog might get enough exercise with me. And cats make me more grounded, relax. They are the perfect companions
I am completely trustful, respectful and responsible person, always with a good attitude, an smile, active, love animals, nature, food.
I speak fluent Swedish, English and Spanish (my mother tongue).
My plan is to travel to warmer countries during the winter time here in Sweden. My time and schedule are flexible, and, as an globetrotter i am pretty use to travel between different countries.
I hope to hear from you and it would be my pleasure to tell you more about me, and my experiences with petsitting.
All the best,

Soy una chica a la que le encanta viajar, le gusta obtener nuevas impresiones de nuevos lugares conocer gente nueva. Tengo un trabajo digital y hace que pueda hacer pet and housesitting y lógico me encantaría tener una mascota como compañía :)
Soy una persona de confianza y responsable, siempre con una buena actitud, activa, amante de los animales, de la naturaleza. Si tienes un perro, estoy seguro haría suficiente ejercicio conmigo.
Mi plan es viajar durante el invierno Sueco, no importa el lugar del mundo, solo donde haya mas luz y calor :)
Cordiales saludos!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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