Jenniffer M.

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Kings County, United States

Über Jenniffer M.

34 Jahre alt | GM @ Ensenada NYC

My name is Jenniffer. I moved to NYC from Ecuador in 2009 and began to work for the Visiting Nurse Service of NY as I was studying nursing back home. Then, as happens with transplants, things changed! I discovered the NYC food scene and fell in love with its intensity and creativity. For the past ten years I have been Navigating the food highway searching for culinary excellence while surrounding myself with people that love food, families, friends, cultures and share some similar values/ideas.
I have decided to go adventure and visit different parts of the world .
I am starting by returning back home for a while to reconnect with my land and hug my family and loved ones then traveling to Europe for the first time .
When I decided to start this adventure, one of my first concerns was Rocco, my dog. He’s and old bud and doesn’t feels comfortable traveling or staying in unfamiliar places.
That’s how I heard about this page. As I was concerned on my travels myself because of my dog , a friend suggested this as an option. Luckily, my mom will take care of Rocco.
But it is my wish and hope to be able to take care of someone else’s pets & homes while I explore and enrich myself with locals and new foods and traditions while I do so.
Please consider my request and let me know if you have any questions or would like to know anything.


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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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