Kelli C.

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Palo Alto, Santa Clara County, United States

Über Kelli C.

41 Jahre alt | House Manager/Personal Assistant | Allein

I have worked on both the West Coast and the East Coast as a Chief of Staff, Estate Manager, Executive Family Assistant, Personal Assistant and Professional Governess for many high-profile, high net worth families for the last 15 years and have traveled all over the world as needed for the positions.
This year I have decided to take my career on the road in a remote capacity to allow myself the opportunity to live life, travel and train for half marathons and marathons.
I have been described by past employers as being very patient, organized, caring, consistent, responsible, and loyal. Through my work and experiences I have gained many valuable skills and qualifications. I really enjoy the service field and always enjoy the occasional challenge.
I have a passion for fitness and nutrition.I enjoy fitness classes, swimming, SUP, cycling, hiking, running, flower arranging, & photography. I am a certified scuba diver. I also enjoy spending time with family, caring for animals, meeting new people, and traveling!
Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you!

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