Jasmin C.

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Odense, Denmark

Über Jasmin C.

23 Jahre alt | Student to get a degree in social science | Als Paar/Duo


We are Alexander & Jasmin, a couple from Denmark. We are both in our twenties. I will be 22 in June, Alexander turned 25 in February. We have been together for almost a year when summer arrives. We both grew up in the suburbs but both moved to a bigger city in Denmark when we moved into our own place. We are both students, Alexander is taking a degree in Civil and Architectural Engineering and is done in the summer of 24´. I’m taking a degree in social science and is done in the summer of 26´. We both love to travel, but money is a little low at times (yay student life) so when we found out that this way of travelling is an opportunity, we agreed on giving it a shot because then we get to see new places and take care of animals (it could not be better). We both love animals, both grew up with dogs (I also grew up with cats) and now we have a little dog (Coton De Tulear) named Apollo, who’s 3 years old. As a couple we are very “old fashion” We are calm, kind and rather funny (if we should say so ourselves). We don’t like to party or drink, a stay in night with a movie is way better in our opinion. We enjoy cooking as well, trying new meals and just exploring new places in general. We are very excited to find a house to sit!
We are looking to go during the summer in the time frame of july 1st to august 14th or around there. Shorter or longer might be attractive as well, we would prefer in europe so we can drive there :) If any interest please write me an email on [email protected], can´t wait to hear from you all!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Alexander, 26 Jahre alt, Student to be Civil and Architectural Engineering, Ehepartner / Partner

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