Jorja H.

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Wudinna, South Australia, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Jorja H.

19 Jahre alt | Cafe/Bartender | Allein

Hi! My name is Jorja and I'm from a small country town in remote Australia where my parents own the only bakery in town. I graduated from school last year (2 years boarding and 2 years renting alone) and over the last few years have been fortunate to travel to some incredible places including four weeks in Switzerland, which has given me a taste of solo travel. I am fascinated by what is available to me around the world, so many places that I'm looking forward to exploring. I am going to be in Europe from May until December on my very first solo backpacking trip. It's exciting to plan my travels that will include some significant tourist destinations, but more importantly I am willing to do anything that will help me experience how locals live in their communities throughout Europe.

While I may be young, I am a resilient and confident person, but most of all extremely trustworthy. My parents sometimes leave me in charge of the house and shop to give them a well earned break away - I understand what it takes to look after a home, especially our pets! We have 2 cats, 1 dog, a turtle and a python - and I swear my parents love my dog more than me!! I absolutely love animals, and while I also love being around people, I think I prefer their company a lot of the time.

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