Renata Eloá

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Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Wochen

Über Renata Eloá

36 Jahre alt | virtual assistant & tour guide | Allein

**[updated July, 4th, 2024]**

Hello, pet parents & house owners!

I aim to build a long-term and reliable reputation as a house sitter. I mean: A circle of trust. Once you are satisfied with my stay at your place, maybe I could return some other time, you wouldn’t need to spend a long time looking for someone else.

“Tourism professional & professional tourist”, a Brazilian citizen who has traveled to more than 30 countries, speaks Spanish & English as foreign languages. Since 2017, I've been running my own micro business as a travel agent & virtual assistant, so a reasonably stable Internet is essential for me due to my job.
A single woman in her thirties, no kids, looking for a life balance, trying to keep a healthy routine of sleeping until 10 PM (and waking up early to enjoy the sunlight and take a walk to exercise the body!).

I'm willing to take care of your place nicely as an experienced housekeeping manager in the hospitality field. I'm a very organized and detail-oriented person. Low cost, economic (don't need to worry about water and electricity, I'm conscious of waste).

Under preview instructions, I'm able to:
. water plants;
. trim the grass;
. collect fruits and vegetables from the garden;
. collect post mails;
. receive orders;
. feed, walk pets, go to the recommended veterinary in case of emergency;

By now, I'm only available to house-sit in Brazil, my home country.
**EXTRA**: End of 2024, I'm going to Chile, so I'm also available for this country.

At least 2 weeks, but depends on how far your place is from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais.
Stay of 1 month preferred. Between 3 - 6 months could be discussed, and it could be a nice opportunity to take classes in something.

Let me help you enjoy your trip with peace of mind?

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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