Lucia J.

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Rocha, Rocha Department, Uruguay

Über Lucia J.

27 Jahre alt | Psychologist | Als Paar/Duo

I'm Lucía, a digital psychologist and now a nomad.

I am currently living in Argentina but I am from Uruguay.
Traveler every time I can and now embarking with my partner Ale, the adventure of traveling the world.
Ale its a sales consultant with more than 14 years of experience.

We are two traveling, seeking to know the world, people, culture and their charms.

We love to talk, share and debate. Share quality time to each other, meeting new people, places, cultures and experiences.
Our addiction: mate (a typical drink from Uruguay and Argentina, like a hot infusion, its NOT a drug)

My passions are volleyball, music, reading and general culture.
Ale's passions are: music, movies, reading, play drums, videogames.
We are very good at listening, helping, friendly, funny, responsive.
We enjoy cooking, but much more eating haha
We love animals, I have a cat, he is my grey baby. His names is Kimbú and he is 2 years old ♥
We like new experiences and challenges.

We are both super tidy, hygienic, responsible, proactive, companions, charismatic and willing to carry out the tasks that are necessary, both for the care of the house and pets♥

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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