Sandra P.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Sandra P.

77 Jahre alt | Retired | Allein

I live in an apartment in Central London and therefore currently do not have any pets. However, I have in the past had both cats and dogs but would prefer these days only to care for cats – I am a great cat-lover. I have two adult daughters and three grandchildren. Both families have cats which I have looked after on numerous occasions when they have been away on holiday. My youngest daughter had three cats at one point so I am experienced with looking after several cats at a time. I have also looked after my grandchildren from a very young age (the children that is) and I think that if you can successfully look after children then you can look after cats also. I am 75 years old but in good health and active. I am now retired but have had very varied work experience. I have been a teaching assistant at a school for children with special educational needs, a school secretary, have held administrative positions in two departments at Kings College London. I have also run a property letting and management company and was most recently the owner of a successful health and beauty clinic in Central London.

I have travelled a lot over the years. Mostly to Europe and particularly to France and Greece but also to Thailand, Cuba, South Africa, Morocco, The Maldives, The Seychelles and USA.

I am a thoughtful, caring and trustworthy person. I am very particular about the care and cleanliness of my own home and I would be the same with yours if you should choose me. I am a non-smoker.

I have few commitments these days and would welcome the opportunity to travel to destinations I may not yet have visited and even the ones I have visited often. I speak English but do not speak any other languages apart from a little French - enough to just about get by but not enough to hold a conversation. I also speak a little Greek.

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