Cindy and Mike

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Cindy and Mike

58 Jahre alt | Veterinarian | Als Paar/Duo

As a veterinarian of 32 years, Cindy is an expert in pet care having looked after thousands of pets during her career. Mike is a recently retired professional and has a love of animals since his childhood growing up on a rural property. Together we’ve had a variety of fur-babies over the years, including large and small dogs, cats, rabbit, hamsters and fish. We’ve completed multiple house sits in Europe and North America, and have received outstanding reviews. Our reviews along with Cindy’s veterinary testimonials from lifelong clients can be viewed at our personal web site

Our two passions are pets and travel. Housesitting will give us an opportunity to visit new places and have the company of pets that we love so much. We have been fortunate to have visited over 60 countries and territories around the world, and we are always looking for our next adventure.

We have been married for over 20 years, and are long time homeowners in the Beaches neighborhood in Toronto. We know how to maintain a home to the highest standard and would look after someone else’s home as we would our own. We consider ourselves friendly and very polite (we are Canadian after all!). We are tech savvy and diligent about staying in regular contact on any number of communication channels, including video chat (with your pets of course!). We are both non-smokers. We are confident that you and your pets will love us!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Mike, 61 Jahre alt, Retired Manager, Ehepartner / Partner

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