Sally T.

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Seaview, England, United Kingdom

Über Sally T.

24 Jahre alt | Student | Allein

Hi there!

My names Sally! I am 23 and am about to graduate University in Leeds. I live on the Isle of Wight in a beautiful home overlooking the water towards the mainland. As much as I appreciate where I am from I love travel and exploring new places.
During my time at university I really missed having contact with animals, my aunt is a veterinary nurse so I have been surrounded by animals from a young age. In the past I have cared for other peoples pets as well as having a pony, guinea pigs and fish when I was growing up. I don't have any pets now but I love meeting and caring for other peoples animals!
I have lived on my own in the past, in both London and Leeds, therefore have experience looking after both plants and a house - I like to think of myself as having green fingers! I am very conscientious and clean and I would look after your property as if it was my own.
I would love the opportunity to get to know you and your animals as well as the beautiful place you live.

Sally x

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