Keri S.

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Parker, Colorado, United States

Über Keri S.

43 Jahre alt | Nurse | Allein

For the past 20 years, I lived a life exploring my passions of travel, helping those in need through volunteering and nursing, and being a mother. Now that my daughter has now grown up and started out on her adult life, I am fortunate to enter into a new phase of my life where new experiences and travel will be my focus. And what better way to travel and fulfilling my desire to care for others, than house-sitting and taking care of your loved ones while your away?
My life experience as a trauma/flight nurse, single mother, pet owner, and traveler has provided me with the skills and knowledge to take great care of your home and loved one while you are away. I am highly reliable, have a loving nature, have good communication skills, am responsible, able to adapt to new environments and situations easily, and able to handle stressful situations. In addition, I have a very flexible schedule if your needs are to change during your booking. As I will be alone in traveling, your loved ones' companionship will be ideal for me and enrich my traveling experience.

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