Lisa S.

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Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand


Über Lisa S.

25 Jahre alt | Construction Project Manager | Als Paar/Duo

Hey! We are a couple from New Zealand,
we left our full time jobs at the end of April this year. We have done pet sitting for friends and family in New Zealand and we thought why don’t we combine the two things we love - pets and travel!

Henry was a Product and Project Manager at an Apparel company supplying uniforms for many large companies such as McDonalds and Air New Zealand. He has a Bachelor Of Commerce degree. Lisa was a Project Manager in the construction field for a $32m residential development. She has a Bachelor Of Civil Engineering with Honours degree.

Back home in New Zealand, Henry grew up on a farm and to this day, consists of 5000 sheep, 300 cattle, 4 sheep dogs, 1 whippet dog, 1 cairn terrier dog and 1 burmese cat. At one point he also had a pet budgie, pet chickens and every year there are some orphan lambs that Henry and his family take care of.

Lisa grew up with 4 chickens and 3 guinea pigs. Her parents did not allow her to have bigger pets :(

We are super easy going, respectful and clean. We are non-smokers. With our past work experience we can demonstrate that we are reliable and trustworthy.

If you have any questions about us please reach out to us, we can also have a phone or video call if you would like :)

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Henry, 26 Jahre alt, Apparel Product and Project Manager, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Deutsch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Jade g.

Vienna, Austria - Juni 2023

Lisa et Henry ont été des pet-sitters vraiment incroyables et ont pris soin de ma petite Thérèse pendant une semaine. Tous les deux étaient vraiment très gentils et agréables. J'ai eu le droit à des nouvelles tous les jours et ils étaient toujours réactifs aux messages. Elle les a adoré, j'en suis sûre ! J'ai retrouvé mon appartement impécable et mon petit chat en pleine forme. Je vous les recommande les yeux fermés, ils sauront prendre soin de votre compagnon ! Lisa and Henry were really amazing pet-sitters and looked after my little Thérèse for a week. They were both really nice and friendly. I got updates every day and they were always responsive to my messages! I found my flat spotless and my little cat in great shape. I'm sure she really liked them as well ! I'd recommend them without any doubt, they will take good care of your companion!

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