Jen M.

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Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States

Über Jen M.

54 Jahre alt | Teacher | Als Familie

My teen daughter and I are always looking for new adventures in life.
I'm a single mom, artist and art teacher. We love to travel and try new things which can be challenging with cost and safety. I hope this can give us opportunities to experience local living within a variety of places and see natural wonders around the world. As avid lovers of travel, animals, nature and art, we'd love to experience your world.
We have house/pet sat a variety of times locally and really enjoyed it. I am also a home owner so understand the importance of maintaining a "home". We adore animals and always have one in our lives, while also fostering and volunteering for the local pet shelters. I've been to multiple countries and almost half of the US and would love to add to my list.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Mikayla, 18 Jahre alt, student, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

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