Ella and Jas (Twins)

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Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Über Ella and Jas (Twins)

19 Jahre alt | Podcast Host, Digital Nomad / Content Creator | Als Paar/Duo

Reliable, caring house and Pet sitters from New Zealand!


We are two twin sisters (Jas and Ella) from New Zealand that recently moved to Europe. We work online, so our schedules are flexible and this also means that we can work from anywhere. We grew up with pets our whole lives, even at one point with ten dogs in the house. We have experience primarily with dogs and cats. We also love going outdoors for long walks in nature and it’s always fun to bring a fur friend along with us.

Also, with both of us you don’t have to worry about your dog lacking love and attention whilst your away. In other words, we love fur cuddles.

We’ve worked as AuPairs and Nannie’s for years, also we have pet sit since we were teenagers for friends and family. Furthermore, we like to keep our spaces clean and tidy because we both work from wherever we are staying. Through our jobs, we have the flexibility to travel anywhere so are open to all countries and cultures.

We would be more than happy to put you in touch with our references.

Our Intentions/Why we want to House and Pet Sit for you:

We love to travel and experience new places and people. We spend all of our time together which does help with homesickness, but one thing we do really miss is our pets in New Zealand. So traveling whilst spending time with animals is a dream come true for both of us. We find that being around animals helps to keep us grounded and makes us appreciate the present moment.

Wishing you a Wonderful day!
Ella and Jas

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jasmine, 19 Jahre alt, Digital Nomad / Content Creator, Bruder / Schwester

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