Michelle J.

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Norwich, England, United Kingdom

Über Michelle J.

60 Jahre alt | Freelance web design | Allein

I have been asked so many times to pet sit over the years, friends and family know that I love to travel and love to be around animals...they ask and I always say yes... so I thought why not advertise this enjoyable hobby. My usual pet sits are for dogs, cats and the occasional group of lizards... I am open to unconventional pets that need care.

If house sitting is the requirement - to guarantee a risk free relaxed return to your safely cared for home - that is also a role I am happy to take. I have basic skills in gardening, simple DIY plumbing in emergency's and ensuring security is kept to the maximum.

Friends and family ask for me as they are aware of my competence, integrity and respect for others. I have a particular affinity to adapt to new places and enjoy the change in environment, travel offers. Plus I love caring for the pets given to me for a short time, and ensure they are given a high quality of care.

I have a past career as a specialist nurse, several years ago I moved into the freelance design world to work more flexibly. I live in rural Norfolk currently, but like to travel when ever I get the option. I have a mature son, who works in Norwich, and a community of family and friends in both the UK and NZ. I have a relaxed quiet personality, book reader, dog walker, nature lover... I don't take things too seriously and I know how to react calmly to just about any situation :)... I find people easy to get along with from all walks of life.

Happy to discuss my role as a helper/ visitor that ensures...... you, your pet and your home...... enjoy a carefree holiday or break.

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