Nicole L.

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Victoria, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Wochen

Über Nicole L.

56 Jahre alt | Executive Director | Als Paar/Duo

Hi, my husband and I have been avid travellers for the last 20+years and have been fortunate enough to have lived in several countries with our two children whilst they grew up - Bali - Indonesia, Shanghai - China, Dubai - UAE and most recently our home country Melbourne, Australia. Our children are all grown up now and with my job having the flexibility of my working remotely anywhere we are set to start our adventures again. Our first stop will be to spend time in the US, Indianapolis or close to it where our son is now located and we are keen to spend as long as we can with him. We will then head off to explore more of Europe and would love to spend our time there living locally. I am an avid gardener and pet lover and we both love to cook and spend our time hiking and planning the next adventure:). We would love to look after you home like it was our own and give you the peace of mind that everything will be well cared for. Please consider this Aussie couple (or at times just me) when looking for your next house sitter.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Murray, 58 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

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