Tanya O.

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Western Australia, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Tanya O.

57 Jahre alt | Receptionist/ education assistant | Als Paar/Duo


We have been house sitting/ pet sitting since January 2023. We have had lots of experience with a large variety of pets. We have many references from other house sitting sites that we can supply at request.
We spent the last 27 years based in Perth Australia. We packed up in January 2023 and have been travelling around Australia and more recently Europre house sitting ever since. We have had the opportunity to look after a variety of pets, dogs, cats, cows, horses and sheep loving getting to know them all.
We love pet/ house sitting as it gives a chance to get to know and enjoy a variety of pets and get a small taste of local life.
We are keen gardeners, and have had a variety of pets over our lifetime, including dogs, chickens, fish, birds and bees even the odd lamb and joey.
We have both travelled extensively and adapt very well in new environments and cultures. My husband speaks some French, enough stumble by if needed.
We enjoy a variety of interests including cycling, kayaking, walking, reading, and life in general.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Stuart, 55 Jahre alt, Communications, Ehepartner / Partner
Tanya, 57 Jahre alt, Education assistant/ Receptionist, Ehepartner / Partner

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