Julie B.

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Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Julie B.

22 Jahre alt | Polydesign 3D | Allein

Hi there, i'm Julie, 21, living on the countryside near to Zurich and working as interior designer at a furniture shop. I try to travel as often as possible, preferably staying in Europe so i am able to take the train. I registered here because i like the idea of helping others and myself at the same time. While living out my love for animals, i can also keep my limited budget in mind. I am happy to take care of cats, dogs or other small animals and to be honest i am even glad not to stay alone but to have a sweet roommate since i'm still challenging myself to travel alone more often. as for experience with animals, i used to have two rats and took care of my neighbor's cat when i was a child. I also enjoy taking good care of your plants, because I grew up in a house with a large garden. I am confident and I am so grateful to you to entrust me your pets and your apartment. Would be happy to meet you soon :)

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Deutsch

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