Emma L.

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Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand


Über Emma L.

22 Jahre alt | Student/ Retail | Als Paar/Duo

Kia Ora! We are a couple in our early twenties from Aotearoa New Zealand, and we are taking a year off from our studies to see the world. Caelan and I have been together for five years, and living together for two and a half.

We much prefer a slower type of travel, and since we're both animal lovers we'd also love to make some new (furry) friends along the way! We have never done house sitting formally on a website, but we have done it a bit just for family and friends around New Zealand.

We both grew up with animals, me with cats and Caelan with dogs. I had to say goodbye to my cat Mary this year, and so I'm looking forward to some kitty cuddles. Caelan grew up with a black Labrador named Chip and a cat named Lucky, and later a chocolate lab named Ruby, who he is really going to miss while we are overseas, but he is no stranger to taking care of big dogs, taking them for walks and so on.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Caelan, 22 Jahre alt, Manager at restaurant, Ehepartner / Partner

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Emilie D.

Bruxelles, Belgium - August 2023

Very nice meeting with Emma and Caelan! They love cats, and took very good care of our plants. We were able to spend an evening with them before our departure, and I recommend them for a great time!

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