Anna-Maria D.

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Poznań, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland

Über Anna-Maria D.

29 Jahre alt | music and maths teacher | Als Paar/Duo

Hello! I'm thrilled to introduce myself as your potential house-sitter. I love to travel and I catch every opportunity to do it. Not only as a tourist but in various ways possible.

As an experienced au pair, I have already demonstrated my reliability and trustworthiness while assisting families on Mallorca and in Iceland. Besides, I frequently travel with my brother, friend, or sister, who happens to work in a veterinary field, ensuring that your furry friends will receive the utmost care and attention during my stay.

Having grown up in a big family and surrounded by various animals, including dogs, cats, hamsters, mice, and a canary bird, I am well-versed in caring for and understanding the needs of different kinds of animals. My strong family ties have instilled in me a sense of responsibility and dependability, traits that I carry into my house-sitting duties.

Moreover, my enthusiasm for exploring the world has taken me on incredible travel adventures, including a month-long journey in South America and visits to various countries across the globe. Immersing myself in different cultures through concerts, museums, and local experiences has given me a deep appreciation for the uniqueness of every place I encounter.

During my studies at universities in Poznań, I had the enriching opportunity to spend a semester abroad through the Erasmus program in Gran Canaria, Spain. This experience broadened my horizons and deepened my appreciation for diverse cultures. As a member and leader of the Academic Missiological Association, I engaged in volunteering activities in Jerusalem, Ghana, and Kazakhstan, creating meaningful experiences for children and lending a helping hand where needed.

With a background in music education and mathematics, I have a passion for teaching and nurturing growth in children. As a private teacher (also online), I not only impart knowledge but also instill essential values like patience, adaptability, and compassion – qualities that extend to my approach as a house-sitter.

Besides my teaching career, I have been actively involved in volunteer work during the pandemic in Poland, demonstrating my commitment to making a positive impact on others during challenging times.

I hold a CAE certification and embrace the concept of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), enabling me to communicate effectively and respectfully with people of diverse backgrounds and languages.

By entrusting your home and pets to me, you can be confident that you will return to a well-maintained, secure, and lovingly cared-for space. Whether it's tending to your house, nurturing your pets, or handling any unforeseen situations, you can rely on me to be adaptable, responsible, and considerate.

On a lighter note, my surname translates to "wild boar," adding a fun and unique touch to my identity.

Thank you for considering me as your house-sitter. I'm eager to provide you with peace of mind during your absence, ensure that your home remains a safe and happy place for all and creating a fulfilling and mutually rewarding experience.

Looking forward to connecting with you soon! :D

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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